Wednesday, September 24, 2008


General information

Fujifilm is from Japan. It’s the world’s largest imaging and photographing company in the world. Fujifilm sell a lot of stuff like: printers, cameras, video cassettes, frames in different kind of styles, scanners and other stuff. Fujifilm also help photograph people for any certain uses like school, KTP, license, passports, etc. Other than that, Fujifilm print photos from USB, cameras, hand phones, etc.

Fujifilm in Indonesia
Fujifilm is from Japan, but it doesn’t mean Fujifilm is only in Japan. Fujifilm companies have been spread all around the world including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the company that owns the fujifilm brand is PT Modern Photo Industry (MPI) which is located in Jl. Raya Bekasi, Km 25, and Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Modern Photo Industry (MPI) was found by Mr. Otje Honoris in 1971. He too was the founder of Fujifilm in Indonesia.

Mr. Otje Honoris is from Singapore and was born in a very modest family. He always dreamed to be a photographer, he accepted unpaid jobs. Mr. Otje moved to Makassar and then married a woman. There, he was successful and at last he owns the fujifilm in Indonesia.

When Fujifilm build its company here, it must have a purpose. Fujifilm’s purpose is because Indonesia has a very large population and a lot of people needed cameras, video cassettes, printers, scanners and other Fujifilm’s product. They also have to have pictures of themselves for licenses, school, KTP, etc. So Fujifilm would have a lot of money when a lot of people take pictures in their studios and buy their products.

by Emily (grade 6)



The most interesting event that I like is when Mama told Anna and Max where Papa was leaving and why. This event happened when they were having breakfast at the dining room.

It all happened when Anna looked into her dad’s room and saw that her dad wasn’t there. Heimpy saw him and told her that perhaps Anna’s mom would tell her soon. Then, Mama came out with her dressing gown. After that, Anna and Max sat on the chairs at the dining table with Mama and they spoke about this. Anna and Max were curious to know more.

Mama also told them that they would be leaving too if Hitler won the election. Why? Because, Anna’s family was a Jew, and it would be dangerous for them to stay there, also Anna’s father said that if Hitler won the election, they wouldn’t be able to express their thoughts anymore since Hitler and the Nazis didn’t like people disagreeing with them. So Anna asked, “ Why did dad have to leave first”, Mama explained that Anna’s dad got a telephone call from somebody who told him his passport was going to be taken away, so before it happened, he quickly escaped to Prague. Knowing that, Anna was excited that they were going to move to Prague because it means starting a new life.

I like this event because it explains everything completely. Before, we might have curious questions; this scene answers 80 % of it. That is why, I like this scene, it’s very interesting and it’s written in detail.

This event happened at the dining room, at the dining table. The characters are Heimpy, Anna, Max and Anna’s mother.

Kelas 6 Karya Wisata ke Mekarsari

Pada tanggal 19 September 2008, aku dan teman-teman sekelasku berkaryawisata ke
Mekarsari. Luas Mekarsari adalah 242 hektar dan di Mekarsari terdapat hampir semua spesies tanaman di Indonesia.

Pertama sewaktu kami sampai di Mekarsari, kami melihat berbagai macam buah. Buah-buah itu antara lain: buah Simalaka yang sering digunakan untuk meghilangkan debar-debar jantung yang berlebihan, buah Pala yang digunakan untukbumbu masakan, buah Alkesa yang banyak sekali mengandung protein, buah Bisbol yang mempunyai banyak protein lemak, dan buah Colanitida (buah Cola) yang digunakan untuk minuman Coca-Cola.

Lalu kami membawa tas dan kertas catatan dan naik bus dan melihat buah melon. Melon memerlukan suhu 3 derajat Celsius di atas suhu lingkungan di luar, maka disimpan di rumah kaca agar mendapat suhu yang lebih panas. Kami harus menunggu 3 bulan sampai melon sudah siap dipanen. Tanda-tanda melon yang sudah siap dipanen adalah dedaunannya sudah mulai berwarna kuning. Ada beberapa tipe melon, Golden Langkawi yang warnanya kuning, keras dan manis, Glamoure, yang warnanya kuning, lembut dan manis, dan honey glow yang warnanya kuning, lembek dan manis. Lalu kita pergi melihat 10 pohon yang paling hebat.

Tanaman-tanaman itu antara lain: pohon Sirsak karena pohon sirsak mempunyai zat yang bernama Anonaseus Asetogenin yang bisa menyeang sel kanker tanpa melukai sel sehat tubuh; pohon apel, tidak seperti pohon sirsak, tidak bisa dikonsumsi tetapi bisa untuk bahan permen karet; sukun yang digunakan untuk camilan, nangka yang beratnya 45 kg, digunakan untuk bubur dan batang pohonnya sekuat kayu jati.

Kemudian kami pergi ke kebun pohon salak. Di sana kami belajar bagaimana mengembangbiakkan salak dan bagaimana cara membuang durinya. Asa dua tipe pohon salak, si jantan dan si betina. Hanya si betina yang berbuah, yang jantan hanya berbunga tapi tidak berbuah. Untuk mengembangbiakkan salak, pertama kami ambil stek serbuk sari dari si jantan, lalu serbukkan ke bakal buah betina. Cara membuang duri di buahnya, kikislah satu salak dengan salak yang lain, maka durinya akan terbuang. Ada beberapa jenis salak, ada Salak Mawar, Salak Madu, Salak Pondoh, Salak Gula Pasir, Salak Bali, dan Salak Padang.

Setelah itu kami melihat presentasi tentang perkembangbiakkan tumbuhan. Ada dua tipe, yaitu secara vegetatif dan generatif. Ada dua macam pengembangbiakkan vegetatif, yaitu vegetatif alami dan vegetatif buatan. Pengembangbiakan secara vegetatif buatan ada beberapa cara, yaitu cangkok, sambung pucuk, enten, stek, dan merunduk

Setelah presentasi kami makan siang dan pulang sekolah.

(Haris: kelas 6)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Kelas 5 berkunjung ke Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Pada tanggal 22 September 2008, Kelas 5 berkaryawisata ke TMII. Kami pergi keliling TMII melihat rumah-rumah adat dari seluruh Indonesia. Ada yang dari Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Jawa, dan Irian Jaya/Papua. Ada banyak sekali rumah adat di TMII.

Suku Papua sangat unik. Ada banyak nama-nama desa di Irian Jaya/Papua. Salah satu desa bernama Dani. Di situ, rumah adat laki-laki diberi nama Onai dan rumah adat wanita diberi nama Uma. Selain itu ada juga rumah dapur yang diberi nama Humila dan Perternakan babi yang diberi nama Wamaila. Nama rumah pertemuan laki-laki adalah Rum Karu Wari. Rumah ini mempunyai 2-3 lantai. hanya ditemukan di Desa Sarmi, Jayapura. Rum Seram adalah rumah yang digunakan untuk tempat upacara. Rumah ini mempunyai 2 lantai.

Alat-alat musik di Irian Jaya/Papua mempunyai nama-nama yang berbeda-beda. Tifa adalah alat musik yang di mainkan seperti gendang. Tifa terbuat dari kulit biawak dan kayu yang diukir dan diberi motif. Gongto adalah alat musik yang di mainkan seperti biola dan terbuat dari bambu. Selain Tifa dan Gongto, ada juga alat musik yang bernama Fu yang terbuat dari kerang dan ditiup untuk mengeluarkan suara.

Tarian adat dari Irian Jaya/Papua ada yang bernama Tari Perang. Tarian ini digunakan sebelum perang untuk kemenangan. Tari Cendrawasih mempunyai penari-penari yang akan mengelilingi ruanga seperti burung cendrawasih. Tari Pemujaan adalah tarian yang digunakan untuk memuja roh-roh.

Di Irian Jaya/Papua, ada banyak jenis-jenis pakaian. Rumbe-Rumbe/Awer terbuat dari daun buah sagu dan dipakai wanita. Koteka dan Holim adalah pakaian yang terbuat dari buah labu air dan dipakai pria sebagai penutup tubuh.

Semua pria di Irian Jaya/Papua semua memakai asesoris-asesoris yang digunakan sebelum perang seperti cat muka berwarna merah, putih, hitam, dan mereka memakai taring babi di hidung mereka. Taring babi ini juga dipakai untuk membuktikan kejantanan seorang lelaki.

Agama di Irian Jaya/Papua adalah:

· 90% Kristen

· 7% Islam

· 3% Hindu, Buddha, Animisme

Upacara adat di Irian Jaya/Papua adalah:

· Anak laki-laki yang berumur 2 bulan diberi gelang kaki dan tangan

· Anak laki-laki yang berumur 6 tahun akan dipakai taring babi di hidung mereka

· Anak laki-laki yang berumur 13-14 tahun akan dirobek kulit belakangnya untuk membuktikan kejantanan mereka

· Raja dan kepala-kepala desa yang meninggal akan diawetkan dan dijadikan mummie

Ini adalah adat Irian Jaya/Papua yang sangat tradisional dan unik. (Heidi)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Poem of Friendship

Friends all care

Friends all love

They help each other

Every time

In times of burden

In times of cheer

A friend is there

To bring us love

Sometimes we fight

Sometimes we are one

But all that matters

Is that we’re friends

Nathan (grd.5)

If I could choose my best friend by Johnatan grade 5

If I could choose my best friend, she should be honest because I could rely on her and then I could trust and believe her. I also need a best friend that is kind. The reason why I need to have a best friend that is kind is because if the person is kind, it will be easier for us to talk to each other and the person could help me when I’m in trouble. She should also be able to help, so when I have a difficulty in my work, she could help me to do it better and faster. When we are talking, I would like her to know some fun games that both of us like, so we can talk to each other about the game. If she doesn’t, I think that it will be boring when we talk to each other. She should also share things like stationary so if I forget my stationary sometimes like my pencil, I could ask her for one and she could share her pencil. This is the friend that I want to have.

Penjajahan Jepang oleh Andika kelas 5

Tanggal 8 Maret 1942, tentara Jepang mendarat di Kalimantan untuk mengambil sumber minyak tanah. Pada tanggal 9 Maret Belanda menyerah kepada Jepang. Pemimpin Jepang adalah Hitoshi Imamura. Salah satu orang yang memimpin tentara Jepang adalah Tadamachi Kuribayashi Tujuan mereka datang ke Indonesia adalah menguasai wilayah Indonesia atau Indonesia dijadikan sumber minyak mentah.

Yang Jepang lakukan kepada Indonesia adalah : petani harus bekerja kepada Jepang. Petani juga wajib untuk menyetorkan hasil panen kepada Jepang. Petani wajib menanam jarak untuk pelumas senjata. Hutan- hutan dipotong untuk kebutuhan industri. Besi atau logam harus diberi ke Jepang untuk industri senjata.

Pemuda- pemuda Indonesia harus bekerja dengan paksa. Salah satu pahlawan yang melawan Jepang adalah K.H Zainal Mustafa. Jepang membuat suatu organisasi militer. Pemuda- pemuda Indonesia dilatih untuk mempertahankan negara kami Indonesia. Pada tahun 1945, Jepang meninggalkan Indonesia karena salah satu dari kota mereka yang bernama Hiroshima terkena bom atom yand dijatuhkan oleh negara Amerika. Karena itu, Jepang mengaku kalau mereka menyerah. Pahlawan yang melawan Jepang adalah H. Abdullah Surabi.

Pada tahun 1942 Jepang merubut kota ini :










-Surabaya (telah di bom)

-Palembang (telah di bom)

-Batavia dan Malang (telah di bom)

How Reptiles Breathe?

There are many kinds of animals. One kind of animal is reptiles. The examples are snakes, crocodiles (crocodilians), alligators and others.

All reptiles breathe using their lungs but there are also some species or types of reptiles that breathe through their skin, using some kind of special skin pores.

Kinds of reptile that breathe using their lungs are crocodiles. Crocodiles use their nostrils to breathe the air. The air that they breathe will be transferred to their epiglottis then to the heart. The function of the epiglottis is to separate between the water and air. That makes the crocodile an amphibian, which means that they can breathe both on land and in water.

Snakes also breathe using their lungs. They breathe through their nostrils and the air that they breathe passes the windpipe and is transferred to the right lung. Gasses pass in and out of the lungs when the snakes breathe. Snakes also breathe in different way. They have the secondary plate to help them to breathe is really strong. So when they digest the windpipe being destroyed.

For example, crocodilians have alveoli in their lungs and a unique organ that attaches to the liver and that unique organ is almost the same with mammal’s breathing system.

Maybe every reptiles breathe with their lungs but the aquatic turtle has developed their respiratory system so they can use their permeable skin to breathe but although with this adaptation breathing will never be completed without lungs. Turtles and tortoises breathe using there shells. Actually the shell contains envelope lungs. When they rest, turtles can force air out. For example, the adult female green turtle can only breathe when they’re resting. The American turtle box also can completely breathe when they are sealed on their shells. The red eared turtle can also breathe when they’re swimming but they have to stop swimming for a while to breathe.

Most reptile hold there breathe if they are swallowing. Crocodilians have developed their breathing system so they can breathe if they are swallowing.

Every reptiles breathe with their lungs but the Aquatic turtle has developed their respiratory system so they can use their permeable skin to breath but although with this adaptation breathing will never be completed without lungs. Reptiles have modified their breathing way so they can be like an amphibian. For the examples Crocodiles they can breathe in land and water. But of course they cannot stay long in water they just swim to take down their prey.

How turtle and tortoise breath has been the subject of so much study.

For the example the Indian flapshell they have a sheet of muscle that contains lungs. Also when they are in their shell the shell can reduce its pressure and force air in.

(Nathan, Carolina, Heidi: grade 5)

Field trip to Bentara Budaya Jakarta

On the 1st of August 2008 grade 6 students and grade 7 students went on a field trip to Budaya Bentara Jakarta. We left from school around 8 o’clock. On our way there we I listened to my iPod touch. I also played with David, Kenneth, Adrian and Keyzar. I sat next to our new friend Hanock.

When we got there we went straight to a big room with a stage in front. We sat down on the carpet and listened to stories. 4 stories actually. The first story is called: The rich man that seeks a daughter in-law. The story starts when a rich man is thinking about getting a wife for his son. So the rich man sent the son to find a smart girl to be his wife. The rich man said: ask this question to any girl you find: If you have a long fish, how can it give you food for all eternity. And finally the son found a girl that answered: I’ll cut it to many cuts then give it to my neighbors. Than if I keep giving food to my neighbors they will also give my family food in return.

The next story is about some fish and a shrimp. This story tells us why shrimp has a bent body. It’s because the shrimp was careless and was cooked while he was cooking. This story was told by a group of puppet players from Solo.

After that story there was a story about a man that got a holy book with magical powers. That man used the powers to take over a whole kingdom. He over throne the old king of that kingdom and he became king. He made the old king his servant and became a cruel king. The cruel king wanted to take over more kingdoms. But he lost in the battle and became a servant to the new king.

The last story was about a festival in the Philippines. The whole story was about a man that was a country hero. He got sick after he got back from his journeys. The people prepared for the worst. But the hero was healed all of a sudden. He said a child disturbed him in his sleep. That’s how the festival began.

Then we did activates. Me and a few of my friends: David, Adrian, Harvi, Andrew, and Hanock made an illustration. We heard another story from mister . Then we started drawing. After we finished drawing, we ate lunch. Some of us bought food there and some of us ate our lunch. We also played a little bit before we get back. (by Sammuel: grade 6)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friendship Pictures

Here are some pictures showing "Friendship" as our school theme this year.

by Olivia (grd. 4)

by Samantha (grd.6)

Monday Assembly

We sang "Indonesia Raya" in the Monday assembly lead by Heidi (grd. 5)